Professional Capabilities
Experience leading diverse teams
I am comfortable leading a team with varying skills and orientations and developing a consensus for further action. Previous projects involved:
- Crossing functional boundaries - Projects that initially seemed massive or abstract, and required a clear upfront definition
- Team oriented - using various functional specialists
- Using new technology - to increase revenues and/or reduce cost
Strategic Planning & Business Development
- Business plan development and review for 7 divisions with $700 million annual office products revenues
- Feasibility studies for product line extension into networking switches and video network file servers
Project Management and Systems Engineering
- On time, on budget "Big Bang" implementation of SAP/R3 for all finance, marketing, sales, and operations functions for 7 divisions representing $700 million+ sales of computer and office products
- Design, development, and installation of several complex, custom, integrated, mini-computer based security systems for nuclear power plants - including one in Barcelona, Spain
- Design and development of the security system industries first microprocessor-based control set
Marketing Management, Research, and Product Management
- Marketing Management for consumer computer products and industrial security control sets
- Developed National and Government Accounts program for purchase, lease, and rental of office products
- Developed programs, contracts, terms & conditions for supplies distribution channel
Salesforce Compensation, Personnel Administration
- Developed sales compensation plans, quotas, and managed compensation system for salesforce of 120+
- Developed PC-based sales forecasting and purchasing, inventory management systems
Far and away the best prize that life offers is the chance to work hard at work worth doing.
Theodore Roosevelt |