Technical Project Management
You need a Project Manager with both broad technical and business background who recognizes the business requirements while understanding the challenges of a technical implementation. One that can ensure focus on a timely and quality implementation while managing expenses.
When You...
- have been unable to externally staff this position with the quality and depth of experience required
- have no one internal to your organization that has either the skills or desire
- need someone to coach and mentor an inexperienced project manager
What kinds of projects?
Best fit projects are those that involve both business process change and technical systems implementation. An enterprise software implementation would be a large example. But any project that uses technology to enhance competitiveness is equally valid.
Why it's important?
These projects are critical to the long-term viability of most companies in the digital-age economy. This fact, plus the considerable $ investment required and the potential for spectacular failures, mandates that a strong business project manager heads the overall team to ensure that systems meet business objectives.
Why Me?
I have considerable experience managing both technical and business-based projects. Most recent project managed was a complete SAP R/3 Installation for the 7 sales divisions of Panasonic Communications and Systems Company representing $700 million in Office and Computer Products sales. It was successfully implemented within budget and within the 1 year project schedule. There are more details in my resume.
Technology... No place for wimps!
Scott Adams |