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General Management


You need a General Manager to head a business unit, division, or start-up, but have been unable to recruit a qualified candidate in a timely manner.

When you need someone to...

  • keep a business going while you try to recruit a quality full-time employee
  • help start-up a new division, for which the future is highly uncertain
  • manage a high-risk division with limited prospects and help with a turnaround or soft landing

What kinds of positions?

Best fit positions are those that have a reasonable fit with my background, and where the exercise can be scheduled for a realistic duration -- at which time a suitable full-time resource is hired or the requirement eliminated.

Why it's important?

Maintaining long-term open positions through the use of existing staff to shore up a leaderless organization is an ineffective approach. Conversely, hiring a mediocre full-time replacement would even be worse.

Why Me?

As an independent resource, I can add a broad and unbiased perspective to your situation. I can approach the challenge without the fear of career damage and am motivated by the personal challenge.

In addition, I can help you:

  • Plan for the future of the division
  • Keep the day-to-day operation going
  • Maintain employee morale and reduce unnecessary turnover
  • Recruit a full-time replacement

Do the hard jobs first. The easy jobs will take care of themselves

Dale Carnegie